YAIMA “Pellucidity“ (Revisioned) MOONGATE ALBUM

Moongate is a recollection of 13 songs, in honor of the 13 Moons of an Earth Cycle. Each song Re-Worked from its original form, Re-Recorded with world renowned musicians, Re-Mastered .Re-Visioned. We began this Musical Journey - YAIMA - by devoting each album to one of the Four ELEMENTS ________________________ WATER “Pellucidity” 2014 AIR “OvO” 2016 FIRE “Antidote” 2018 EARTH “The Earth Trilogy“ ONE TWO THREE 2021-22 ________________________ With reverence & honor we offer you the distillation of the four elements - Our Gold Album - The Best of YAIMA “MOONGATE” _________________________ SONG LIST 1. Follow the Heart (Revisioned) 2. Pellucidity (Revisioned) 3. Rebirth (Revisioned) 4. Old Stories (Gajumaru Revisioned) 5. Rise (Revisioned) 6. Odonata (Revisioned) 7. Citadella (Revisioned) 8. Mother (Revisioned) 9. C
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