i loved the song that I listened to by chance one day | a playlist - YouTube

i loved the song that I listened to by chance one day Tracklist: 00:00 Summer Is for Falling in Love - Sarah Kang 03:06 Foolish - Faime 05:43 Stressin’ - Airr 08:14 Flowers - honeywhip 11:08 Couldn’t say it to your face - honeywhip 14:06 Side Effects - wip 16:38 For you - Vietra 18:44 Let - Vietra 22:07 Dim Lights - Vietra 24:57 Summer Cologne - Kelsey Kuan 28:07 Safe - Maya Delilah 30:44 Wrong - Mac Ayres 35:19 Enjoy Life - Airr
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