Ka-50 ✈ Black Shark 2 Republic Campaign #9│ SUBTRACTION

When I exited the cockpit I was shaking. Even the happy outcome and congratulations from Tengizov and other officers did not calm me down. So Rustam had to keep giving me more and more wine all evening. The next day Rustam and I went to the main HQ. Recon reported interesting news, as Senaki and area was considered a part of Republic and the population there is very sympathetic to us, so there was never a lack of information sources. The enemy realized that the Republic has combat helicopters, they just didn’t know how many. So to make our lives hard they moved an SA-11 Buk SAM consisting of one radar vehicle and two launchers to the hill above the city. So now if I appear over the battlefield it will probably end badly for me. Despite this there is a way. Buk is a dangerous beast but it isn’t indestructible. I can sneak in on it using terrain masking. If I fly along the south-west slope there is a high chance he won’t see me. Then the ridge turns to Senaki, therefore I should be able to get very close to
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