Winter in Wasdale

A 32 bar strathspey for 4 couples in a square set. For the dance details see This video is a blend of 8 solo performances using an extremely laborious technique that even after endless days of work still has many rough slightly shorten the marathon editing process the dance is deliberately done without the proper strathspey steps to minimise the bounciness and to try and have smaller leg movements. The idea is that at least the choreography is fairly clear. The original plan for the dance was that the chases round the outside in bars 5-8 and 9-12 would be in promenade hold (echoing Autumn in Appin). A little testing showed this would be too hard to get right so I changed it to tandem chases. I have two confessions related to these: (1) Despite practising I did not manage to time these well and had to resort to cheating by moving images around on the screen afterwards so the tandem pairs were merely “close“ instead of scandalo
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