Madness, madness, they call it Madness…
You are watching the official video for ‘Madness’ by Madness.
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Having never made an official promo video for their cover of the classic Prince Buster track, from which they took their name, Madness have put together a brand new video created using upgraded footage from their 1981 biopic, Take It Or Leave It. The video ticks every box on the Madness visual checklist: the nutty walk – tick, capering around London – tick, playing packed gigs to ecstatic punters – tick, mucking about in the dressing room – tick!
...adness, madness, they call it madness
Madness, madness, they call it madness
It’s plain to see
That is what they mean to me
Madness, madness, they call it gladness, ha-ha
Madness, madness, they call it madness
Madness, madness, they call it madness
I’m about to explain
A-That someone is losing their brain
Hey, madness, madness, I call it gladness, yee-ha-ha-ha
Propaganda ministers
Propaganda ministers
I’ve a-got a heavy due
I’m gonna walk all over you
Madness, madness, they call it madness
Well if this is madness
Then I know I’m filled with gladness
It’s gonna be rougher
It’s gonna be tougher, pa-da-da, pa-da-da
But I won’t be the one who’s gonna suffer
Oh no, I won’t be the one who’s gonna suffer
You are gonna be the one, a-you...
Discover more about Madness on their website :
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