Edit LIKE A PRO using the Color Grading tool in Lightroom. In this video, I’ll show you everything you need to know to color grade your photos in Lightroom like a PRO! I’ll give you a complete breakdown of how the color grading panel works, go over 3 color grading examples and even show you how you give 1 image 3 different looks ONLY using the color grading tool! Ever wondered how to get a cinematic color grade in Lightroom? The color grading tool is a great editing tool in Lightroom for achieving that look and to really give photos your own particular style. I hope that through this video you’ll learn how to color grade in Lightroom, improve your editing and achieve some pro photography color grading in Lightroom! ⚡️WORK & BIO: 📸 MY GEAR ↓↓↓ My Main Camera: Most Used Lens: The BEAST Lens: NEW Wide Angle Lens: h
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