Jon Stewart SHOCKINGLY HORRIBLE Interview With War Criminals Hillary Clinton & Condoleezza Rice...

Jon Stewart SHOCKINGLY HORRIBLE Interview With War Criminals Hillary Clinton & Condoleezza Rice... Jon Stewart had on former Secretary of States Condoleezza Rice & Hillary Clinton, in which we have seen likely the worst Jon Stewart interview of all time. Jon’s new show “The Problem with Jon Stewart“ has produced lots of good content, in which he provides good interviews that have challenging questions that are hard to look away from. However, this seems to have many standard deviations away from the mean, as he basically never even pushes back, with accepting the horrible lies from Clinton & Rice. The Bush adminstration LIED about Saddam having “WMDs“, knew they wanted to invade first and just took the side of intelligence that said he had WMDs even though there was a lot of intelligence arguing against, and lied to congress and the people. This was at a time where everyone was putting power in the executive, after 9/11, and they made many lies. Hillary also plays up
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