SLEEP WAVES for Insomnia [Four Elements] Part 2: WATER 🌊 Binaural Beats Music

Deeply relaxing sleep waves in Part 2 of the ’Four Elements’ series - WATER - Mixed with binaural beats Delta waves @ 4Hz. I have composed this music with deep underwater sounds and relaxing ocean waves. After 30 minutes this ambient sleep music will slowly decrease in intensity. 🎧 Listen on a comfortable (low) volume when you sleep. #sleepwaves #fourelements #sleeptube Part 01: EARTH 💚 In upcoming parts of “Four Elements“ we will also explore the ambient sleep sounds of Fire and Air. Follow and support my creations by liking, subscribing and hitting the notifications button. Binaural Beats have shown to reduce levels of stress and anxiety. The Binaural Beat frequencies may affect brainwaves - a process called “entrainment“. Examples of entrainment are gently rocking a baby to sleep, or falling asleep in a moving train. In history it has been used as ceremonious chanting to enter trance like s
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