Why Watchtower have Murder Holes

Jehovah’s Witnesses dont use the cross, since they claim its a murder weapon. But why do the Watchtower have murder holes? Its not a big point.. but its a bit funny. Acording to the Governing Body of the Jehovah Witnesses, its very important not to mix the cross with an upright stake... God do not aprove of a cross, and this is very importand for God. So important he let Abraham traumatize Isaac on a stone altar. This altar did not represent a cross. Its very important that Jahve know that this stonealtar was representing a upright stake. Why god care so much about this, Jehovah’s Witnesses never told me. But he does acording to the aledgely spirit directed channel he is using. The Jehovah’s Witness logo is a Watchtower. But its not a straight peacefull tower, it is a militant tower with machicolations (aka murder holes) to kill any aproaching enemy to the castle. I can not helo myself and have to poke some fun at this. The parents of Jared Septer still
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