The Spootniks “Brand New Cadillac“ (Vince Taylor - 1959) 17/11/2023 Бар “Чёрт Побери“

The Spootniks “Brand New Cadillac“ (Vince Taylor - 1959) Бар “Чёрт Побери“ 17/11/2023 Сергей Шорников “Brand New Cadillac“ (also recorded as “Cadillac“) is a 1959 song by Vince Taylor, and was originally released as a B-side. Featured musicians on the released recording were: Joe Moretti (guitars), Lou Brian (piano), Brian Locking (bass) and Brian Bennett (drums). While not successful in the UK, it got a huge surge in popularity in continental Europe, especially the Nordic countries, with acts such as The Renegades and Hep Stars bringing it to number one in Finland and Sweden respectively. Another Swedish act, the Shamrocks brought the song to number one in France. Vince Taylor’s record company eventually learned of these recordings and copyright claims ensued. The case was settled on agreement to add Taylor’s name to songwriting credits alongside The Renegades members—sharing the royalties equally. Neither Hep Stars nor Shamrocks were
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