Fast moving UFOs filmed from a window of a flight from Burbank to Oakland.
Witness Description:
“Oddly shaped UAP(s?) discovered in two separate one-second sections of video. Video was taken from a passenger window of a commercial flight from Burbank to Oakland. Did not see it until looking back at the video, as it travelled at some ridiculously fast speed. Filmed at 60fps (frames per second) - total of ten frames in which craft(s) appear; first set (7 frames) across the clouds at a diagonal heading east or south/east ; second set (3 frames) flying opposite direction of the plane a few hundred yards away. These three frames, the craft appears to have either banked toward them away OR is shape-shifting or both.“
Source: mufon
Filmed over Los Angeles, California. 6/16/2023
Many thanks to the author of the original video.
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