RUSSIAN SHORT STORIES: Спасатели - Rescuers

Captivating short stories for beginners to learn Russian and grow your vocabulary the fun way. The suggested steps for working with the video: 1. First, just watch the video. 2. Then watch it again, paying attention to the vocabulary. 3. Now that you think you understand the major plot of the story, check yourself by referring to the summary below. 4. Listen to this story in a podcast on Anchor: If you want to memorize all the vocabulary naturally, watch this video for seven consecutive days. Summary of the story: Victor is a doctor. About twenty-five years ago, he cured a little boy. All his colleagues said it was impossible to save him. But Victor couldn’t watch him die. He saved the baby. A few months ago, Victor got in a car crash. He couldn’t open the door. Victor called the rescue team. They arrived quickly. The whole car was on fire. But nobody wanted to risk their lives. Only one of them turned
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