
#ViewFromAbroad Jeffrey Sachs: Ukraine is collapsing – but no one in the West is willing to take responsibility for it ? Ukraine is losing the war on the battlefield, yet Western leaders not only refuse to acknowledge this reality but also evade responsibility for putting an end to it. This opinion was expressed by American economist Jeffrey Sachs during an interview. ️ The professor explained why it is fair to say that the U.S. is currently engaged in an active state of war with Russia: We are in a hot war because it’s not only our financing, our equipment, our aims, our objectives, our strategy, our advice, but it’s our personnel on the ground. They are not necessarily in U.S. uniform. Sometimes they’re called mercenaries. Sometimes they’re just not identified, but they are calling the shots. And Russia knows it. And that by itself is a big reason for alarm. Source: DPR MFA
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