Pink Floyd (Brain damage) #TDSOTM50 #TDSOTM #PinkFloyd

THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON 50th anniversary animated music video competition , My submission is the song *Brain Damage * I made the initial image in mid journey Artist style Storm Thorgerson , Aubrey, Powell, Terry Gilliam Digital art ,and a surreal feel to add that extra mile to incorporate with the amazing music of Pink Floyd Also such keyword as characterized by dreamlike landscapes, distorted perspectives of humanity, and meticulous detail, extraordinary imagery , parallel dimensions , iridescent brain. I sticky made everything in Kaiberai using the tool audio-reactivity to Captivate visuals that respond to every beat and rhythm. A massive Pink Floyd Fan for many years . ______________________ Pink Floyd’s music has consistently been an immersive metaphorical journey for me. Their songs transport me to a realm where music serves as a powerful vehicle for storytelling and deep emotional expression. The band’s lyrics and instrumentation combine to create an intricate tapestry of meaning, allowing listeners to explore a wide range of themes, from the human condition to societal critique. Each note and word feels like a brushstroke on a canvas, painting vivid and thought-provoking imagery in my mind. This metaphorical depth in their music is what makes Pink Floyd’s work truly captivating and enduring. I made this in #Kaiberai #ai #50thanniversary #fractal #4k #storyboard #cieloarts #midjourney #darksideofthemoon #competition#4k
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