When a plot twist happens within 10 minutes

Ever watched a film and got shocked by a plot twist? Well, what would happen if that plot twist happens in the opening of the film? Soft & Quiet, a 2022 film by Beth de Araújo does exactly that. And it does it so well that despite its flaws, I was compelled to talk about it. Not only is the twist shocking, but it is also relevant, well executed, and is significant even in terms of the film’s subject matter. Couple that with another highly debated ’one shot’ technique, and you get this hidden gem of a film. Again, there ARE flaws. This film is not perfect by any means (and we WILL talk about it a bit in this video). But for what it’s worth, it is worth a look, and a discussion. So if you can, watch it, and see how you feel about it. Otherwise, here are some of my very personal thoughts that hopefully does enough to compel you to visit the film. Enjoy. Lastly, if you wish to find more underrated works, you can head over to
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