Is a deeply emotional and historically intense musical album that invites listeners to take a journey into the heart of ancient Greece. It is an album that takes us through time and space, right to the feet of the god Pan. Each track is a reflection of different aspects of this mythological being - his passions, struggles, triumphs and tragedies. This is not just a musical album, but a living portrait of the ancient god, resurrected by the power of sound. “Pan“ invites us to touch the greatness of ancient mythology, reminding us of the eternity and immortality of art and music.
“Prodigal: In the far reaches of ancient Greece, Pan, god of nature and shepherds, began his prodigal journey. Departing from his father, Hermes, he indulged in a voluptuous exploration of the world, pursuing enchanted nymphs and carefully selecting tunes for his magic flute. He became a prodigal wayfarer, chasing after the pleasures and enchantments provided by nature and her daughters.
“Shepherd“: Pan, musician and guardian, became the faithful shepherd of the ancient lands, with his melodies he tamed animals and protected nature from the intrigues of mankind.
“Fertility“: Nature around Pan came alive, gaining fertility under the protection of this god. He awakened life in every seed, every branch and every flower, being the patron of nature’s spring awakening.
“Ancient: Over the centuries, Pan’s wisdom and knowledge became ancient riddles, existing in every whisper of the forest, in every sound of his flute, which only the most courageous and searching could unravel.
“Panic fear“: But Pan was not only the god of fertility and nature, he was also the lord of panic fear. His sudden appearance could cause total terror and chaos, for which he was feared.
“Siringa“: In the legend of Siringa, Pan pursued the nymph before she turned into a reed, from which he fashioned his flute. The story reflects the passion and confusion that awakens in the heart of the god of nature.
“Perception“: Pan gave people the gift of touch, giving them the ability to feel the beauty of nature and the music emanating from it, which made them closer to nature and its mysteries.
“The Competition: In the legendary battle between Pan and Apollo, Pan proved that art and music are not always dependent on beauty and ideal. His simple but powerful flute music triumphed over the perfection of Apollo’s music.
“Pan“: After all, Pan was far from being just a god. He was the personification of freedom, laughter, and the carefree enjoyment of life. His voice resounded in every merry breeze, his spirit lived in every laughing creature. All his songs and stories embodied the boundless thirst for life and the joy of existence. He was Pan, an endless merrymaker, musician, and epicurean, constantly in search of new joys and pleasures brought to him by magnificent nature.
1 view
4 days ago 00:03:54 1
Люди массово отказываются от цифровых денег. Это хорошая тенденция, они перестают боятся оккупантов!
5 days ago 00:08:18 4
6 days ago 00:39:05 2
20 лет тюрьмы. Я осквернял Храм Божий | свидетельство Александр Верейкин | Выбор Студия РХР
1 week ago 00:05:30 2
Господа офицеры, что же вы натворили?
1 week ago 00:34:38 1
Обманутый американский Атлант расправляет плечи. Не стойте у него на пути, господа
2 weeks ago 00:04:56 7
Как же так, господа ОФИЦЕРЫ..?
2 weeks ago 02:04:36 4
«Парадигма» с Андреем Тарасовым – о медицине в России, миссии хирурга, операциях и Божием Промысле
2 weeks ago 00:41:57 4
НАСТОЯЩАЯ ИСТОРИЯ! “ От Адама до Ноя“ с Германом Стерлиговым и сыновьями
2 weeks ago 00:04:38 2
Хор Сретенского монастыря “Величит душа моя Господа“
3 weeks ago 00:11:20 1
Как я сходил в Спер и написал заявление на запрет перевода моих средств в ЦИФРОВЫЕ ДЕНЬГИ (CB DC).
3 weeks ago 00:01:00 1
Господь уже отобрал людей! Cсылка на сообщество в Telegram - в описании (BishopAugustine)
4 weeks ago 07:10:32 1
У края бездны-(2024) все серии 1-4. Освобождение Мариуполя.Причитайте ограничения в описании ниже!!
4 weeks ago 00:05:18 1
Сергей Альбин - Я вам сыграю господа
4 weeks ago 00:11:59 1
Почему Ваше ФИО- это собственность Английской короны. Фактическое МИРОУСТРОЙСТВО.
4 weeks ago 00:28:41 2
Дональд Трамп, масоны и глубинное государство. Чего ждать России?