The Resurrection of Jesus and Apologetics - Dale Allison Interview

0:00 Countdown 0:43 Introduction 2:17 Why did you write this book? 7:35 How should we come to assess the evidence for the resurrection? 12:03 What have been some traditional apologetics approaches to the evidence? 17:14 Can the historical method alone establish a miracle claim? 24:33 What is the evidence for the passion and crucifixion of Jesus? 30:41 What is the evidence for the burial of Jesus? 36:20 What is the evidence for an empty tomb? 46:30 What evidence do we have for resurrection appearances of Jesus? 54:05 What were the early Christian creeds and confessions? 1:01:10 Which parts of the evidence seem unhistorical? 1:04:46 Which parts seem most certainly historical? 1:06:44 Where do we have to fill in the gaps of the story? 1:11:23 How should Christians assess the evidence? 1:15:36 What is the most plausible non-Christian explanation? 1:19:23 Thoughts on the minimal facts apologetic? 1:20:02 How would you like to see discourse proceed on this to
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