Peace can be Realized Even without Order (beta ver.)

Singapore Biennale 2013: If The World Changed Oct 26, 2013 - Feb 16, 2014 Singapore Art Museum シンガポールビエンナーレ2013 “If The World Changed” 2013年10月26日〜2014月2月16日 シンガポールアートミュージアム ・Peace can be Realized Even without Order This interactive digital installation consists of a seemingly endless number of life-sized holograms. The figures depicted in the holograms exist independently from one another. They play instruments and dance, and each individual is influenced by the sounds from the figures close to them. There is no lead figure that oversees or influences all the other dancers, and there is no center or order enforced on the crowd. External events can cause disorder, but in time, peace will gradually be restored. When a person enters the installation and a figure senses the viewer, that figure responds to the person and stops playing music. The figure passes on this information to other figures close by. After a short period of time, the figure will start playing music and dance again, but this disturbance will have disrupted the harmony. If, however, the viewer stays still or leaves, the dancers will begin to form back into one harmonious group and the feeling of peace will return. In Japan, there is a primitive dance festival called the Awa Dance Festival dating back so far that its origins are unknown. Groups of individual dancers play music and proceed around the town arbitrarily. Groups play their own music as they like and dance as they like. Interestingly, for some reason, the music forms into a peaceful order across the whole town. Dancers who randomly meet other groups of dancers gradually and subconsciously match the tempo of their music with that of the other group. This is not due to any set of rules; it just feels right and happens without conscious choice. It seems that when people are set free from their inhibitions, an extraordinary peaceful feeling prevails despite the lack of any order to the dances. Perhaps this is how people of ancient times maintained a feeling of peacefulness. Today, in the Internet age, the speed at which people can connect with others has accelerated. As a result, people throughout the world have become increasingly connected, and these connections have become more important. What we experience in this new age is similar to the experience of the dance festival, and perhaps in these unordered connections there is a way to find peace. The figures that appear in the holograms are anonymous and unknown. This helps the viewer to feel as though they are a part of the installation, and that anyone can experience the feeling of peace without order. ・秩序がなくともピースは成り立つ / Peace can be Realized Even without Order 無数のホログラムによるインタラクティブデジタルインスタレーション。 ホログラムによって映し出された人々は、おのおの自律している。そして、楽器を奏でたり踊ったり、それらは近くの人々が奏でる音の影響を受けて行動している。全体に影響を与える者や、全体を把握している者、つまり、オーケストラでいうところの指揮者は存在しないし、中心や基準というような概念はない。しかし、彼らはお互いに影響しあい、やがて「引きこみ現象」が起こり、しばらくすると演奏に調和が生まれる。 作品中の人々は、鑑賞者が近づくと、鑑賞者に気づき奏でることを止めて、鑑賞者にリアクションをする。そして、近くの人々にそれを伝える。しばらくすると、また適当に楽器を奏で始める。気まぐれに始まった演奏のために、周囲の音楽の調和は壊れる。鑑賞者がいなかったり、鑑賞者がじっと静かにしていたりすると、また引きこみ現象が起こりはじめ、調和が生まれていく。 日本には「阿波踊り」という、非常にプリミティブな踊り祭りがある。 その祭りでは、各自がおのおの踊る集団を作り、集団で楽器を奏でて街中で勝手に踊り歩く。各集団は好きなように奏でながら、好きなように踊り歩くのだが、なぜか街全体で音楽に調和が生まれている。それは踊り歩く中で、たまたま出会った集団の音楽のテンポに、互いの集団が無自覚にだんだん合わせていくということで成り立っている。そこにはルールがあるわけではなく、ただ体が気持いいからとい&
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