Most Bizarre UFO Sightings EVER Captured on Camera… Jaime Maussan’s Archive Special!

​@UAMN TV - 2022 StarWorks USA Final Expo - Jaime Maussan presents the very best of video evidence of UFOs capture across the world. Jaime Maussan studied journalism at the UNAM and the Miami University in Ohio, United States. Since 1970 he has practiced his profession as a reporter in the following ways: El Sol de México (Mexico’s Sun), Diario “La Afición” (Diary “The Hobby”), 24 Horas (24 Hours), W Radio, XEX Radio and Televisa, among others. Within highlighted Televisa correspondent in the United States, General Information reporter Domingo a Domingo (Sunday to Sunday) program with Jacobo Zabludovsky, General Coordinator and director of sixty stories for the same program. The works that helped Jaime become known as an outstanding reporter and researcher, took place within the television program “60 Minutos” (“60 Minutes”) where he did research on environmental and social reporting, was the series of reports “Génesis y Apocalipsis” (“Genesis and Apocalypse”), Mexico and the
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