Tomb Raider Custom Level (TRLE) - Return to Prague (Christmas Demo) Walkthrough
Level By : AgentXP
Several hours after the events of Christmas in Prague, we see Lara off on another adventure to try and locate the entrance to the Strahov monastery in Prague. Having located Vasiley’s diary and reunited with Kurtis, Lara has learnt that the Cabal are still very much active, despite the demise of Eckhardt, and suspects there may be more going on than meets the eye. She plans to re-enter the Strahov, exploring parts she never visited previously, in the hope of finding answers. (This new section of the Strahov is inspired by the actual location in real life Prague)
If you never tried “Christmas in Prague“ before, you may find the beginning of the level strange. it’s a sequel of the story of Christmas in Prague, a level created by the author in 2019. As for this time, I can see the author put lots of efforts in this game. It’s more focusing on stealth. Unnecessary noise will alert those security guards in this building. If you like any games feature stealth. I believe this game is good enough for you 😄
Seeking List :
5:02 Main Hall Key
7:58 Secret #1 - Candy Cane
8:34 Mechanical Scarab with Key
10:22 Secret #2 - Candy Cane
15:27 Secret #3 - Candy Cane
16:46 Secret #4 - Candy Cane
17:45 Secret #5 - Candy Cane
19:49 Bunch of Keys
19:55 Map (Africa)
20:06 Secret #6 - Candy Cane
22:44 Secret #7 - Candy Cane
24:25 Map (Asia)
25:08 Map (America)
25:49 Gallery Key
29:00 Secret #8 - Candy Cane & Secret Bonus Key
30:07 Map (Oceania)
35:12 [Ending] - Without Collecting all Secrets
36:17 [Ending] - Alternative Ending (All Secrets)
Let’s find out how Lara get passed the library with tight security!
#tombraider #laracroft #trle #customlevel #prague #christmas #candycane