How to make Ice RUBY chocolate langue de chat

Cacao! ∴∵ゞ(´ω`*) ♪ It’s getting hot! This time I will make chocolate ice cream. It was sandwiched between cookies and finished deliciously. [Product offerings] Ice Chocolate RB1 0:00 Ice RUBY Chocolate Langue de chat 0:30 Ice RUBY dough 6:06 Langue de chat 9:06 Assembly 11:16 Bon appetit 12:01 Cacao notes - Book - Chocolate cacao recipe book on sale! “I will teach you the most politely in the world! Chocolate Sweets Book“ - Paid membership - benefits are “wallpaper“, “badge“ and “pictogram“. - SNS - Twitter : instagram : - Ingredients - [Ice RUBY Chocolate] 70x25mm about 3-4 pcs. A - Egg yolk : 20g
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