I BELIEVE IN ME | 528Hz Healing Self-Love Frequency Meditation & Sleep Music | Positive Love Energy

You are unique! You are wonderful and perfect! And you deserve your love, your appreciation and your confidence! This specially composed music in the healing Solfeggio frequency of 528Hz is here for you. Just for You 💜 If you enjoy my music and would like to support me, you are welcome to subscribe to my channel 🤗💖 Hit the ((🔔)) to turn on notifications and receive the latest Inner Lotus Music! The Solfeggio frequency of 528Hz is said to be a “Miracle Tone” and the frequency of self love. It can help heal and cleanse old negative energies, activate a positive and spiritual energy cleanse and replace all negativity with positive energy and thereby heal negative experiences from in the past. It helps to restore self-esteem and strengthens self-love.
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