“The mind is the source of all wealth“ - THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH - Wallace D Wattles - AUDIOBOOK

“The Science of Getting Rich“ by Wallace D. Wattles is a classic and inspiring guide to the art of manifesting prosperity and abundance in life. With timeless wisdom, Wattles unfolds a practical and transformative approach to achieving financial and personal success. Through clear principles and concrete exercises, the author reveals how the mind and actions aligned with purpose can open the path to wealth and the realization of dreams. This work offers a holistic vision that goes beyond the mere accumulation of material wealth, advocating a fulfilling life in all aspects. “The Science of Getting Rich“ is essential reading for those seeking to unlock their potential and transform their financial reality. With accessible prose and practical advice, Wattles guides us onto a path of empowerment, abundance and self-fulfillment. This timeless book continues to be a source of inspiration for those who want to create a prosperous and fulfilling life.
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