Diabel / The Devil (1972)
Modern Trailer Edit by Dan McBride
Part of my trailer project - breathing some new life into older, forgotten or overlooked films.
Mainly to spread awareness of these great films and hopefully inspire more people to
seek them out.
Director - Andrzej Zulawski
Synopsis - During the Prussian army’s invasion to Poland in 1793, a young Polish nobleman, Jakub is saved from the imprisonment by a stranger who wants in return to obtain a list of his fellow conspirators. Following his mysterious savior across the country, Jakub sees the overall chaos and moral corruption including his father’s death and the betrayal of his friend who stole his fiancee. Being apparently demented by what he has seen, he commits a number of seemingly motiveless and gory killings.
Zulawski is like no other filmmaker - his films are relentless, full of manic energy and exquisitely choreographed like a mad dance. Many people have seen his bonkers horror film “Possession“, but far less have seen his other masterworks such as this and On The Silver Globe. I can only hope a collection of his films comes to the US at some point, as the transfer of this film isn’t the best - but in the meantime, I am really proud to share my take on Diabel and hopefully turn a few people on to this batshit-crazy filmmaker! -- DM
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