Как-будто не море у ног твоих... Стихи читает автор Демирина. It’s as if the sea is not at your feet

Demirina reads poetry. It’s as if the sea is not at your feet, Virgo! As if you weren’t the one who left the boat here, Where are the spray-inflorescences on the right and left, And the wind is sympathetic to the zeal of the waves! You walk lightly, but you don’t risk running; The silk of a dress is too far to weave sails... Do you yearn for the abandoned one? I see you’re sad! The braid came out like a beast from the hairpin, And I turned away to give her Freedom, I closed my eyes from the bright sun, Not believing, is it really in that same water: And somehow involuntarily a tear comes with faith... стихи читает автор Демирина. Как-будто не море у ног твоих, Дева! Как будто не ты тут покинула челн, Где брызги-соцветия справа и слева, И ветер участлив к усердию волн! Ступаешь легка, да бежать не рискуешь; Шелк платья далек, чтобы плесть паруса
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