Zainka, Rusalochki- DakhaBrakha - Translation

This short film, produced by Kiev University’s Theater and Film students, is titled “Zlata’s Wine“ and features two Ukrainian-language songs by Dakha-Brakha. The film begins with the instrumental portion of “Zainka“ (Little Hare), and then goes into the chanting song, “Rusalochki“ - “Little Rusalki.“ Though rusalka (singular) can be translated as “mermaid,“ I have chosen to leave it as is because the Slavic rusalka is a bit different, and darker, than the mermaid of western lore and I feel like it should stand on its own. Rusalki (plural) are said to be the ghosts of dead girls who were betrayed or killed by their lovers and drowned themselves in the river. There are many folk stories and songs about rusalki dragging unsuspecting men to their deaths in the bottom of a river or swamp. The chanting itself is very reminiscent of incantations used in Slavic witchcraft.
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