Ocean is shaking: on the implicit benefits of video games | Nikolay Dybovskiy | TEDxMalayaOkhta

Do you remember of which you dreamed last night? And before that? Why is the reality of dreams that impermanent and changing, is there a way to save it? The lecture is about game as unique tool to create a reality of dreams. Помните ли Вы, что Вам снилось сегодня? А вчера? Почему реальность снов так текуча и изменчива, неужели нет способа ее сохранить. Выступление посвящено идее игры как уникального инструмента, создающего свою реальность, реальность снов. Nikolay Dybovsky in 2002 established the Russian game developing studio “Ice-Pick Lodge” to realize a single project. He created a game design document named “A deep game”, in which he explained attitude towards video games as art. Eventually this document became a real manifest that spread through public and was widely discussed. A few years later “Ice-Pick Lodge” published the weird yet spellbinding game called “Pathologic”, which has become cult classic in both Russia and the West. Николай Дыбовский в 2002 собрал Российскую сту
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