1988-01-10 superficial type (Shri Surya Puja, Sankranti, Mumbai, India)
...If you have a deep Sushumna, I know you as a deep person. If you have a superficial Sushumna, I know you as a person with a very superficial type of a Sushumna. And even if you make up something by sort of being very nice or good, or talking about Sahaja Yoga or knowing too much about Sahaja Yog, and saying things which will baffle normally anyone as if you are masters of Sahaja Yoga, I know how deep you are.
So the depth on the axis is more important than anything else. Your axis has to be very deep. Now you will say that, “Mother, the axis is the same as it is, so how can it be deep?”
So the, in the axis as you see is made in human beings, is like a three-and-a-half coiled paper-like thing, and the inside of it is the Brahma Nadi. The Brahma Nadi is a very, very small little, we can call a very, very hair-like thing where only a hair-like Kundalini can pass through. But when the person is deep this Brahma Nadi is bigger, and all the rest of them which are coiled into each other are smaller; while the pe
3 years ago 00:02:34 4
1988-01-10 superficial type (Shri Surya Puja, Sankranti, Mumbai, India)