Lara Croft Tomb Raider : Afterlife [Full] Walkthrough

Tomb Raider Level Editor (TRLE) - Afterlife Full Game Walkthrough Level By : Johny Ptacek & Roli Story And it is done. The curse I cast on Egypt is back in hell, the prophecy did not come true and Seth did not return to Earth with his endless night, the world is saved. I fixed it the best I could, I paid my due, but I still don’t feel like it’s enough. The people who died are gone, it won’t bring them back to their families... so many ruined lives. As I fell into the dark depths of God knows where, I saw everything, everything I had ever done, accomplished, and gradually a sense of satisfaction began to fill me more and more. After a few seconds I was in the dark, I felt calm, I felt safe, after a while the light illuminated the darkness and a woman appeared in front of me. She spoke to me in a kind voice, I don’t know what she wanted from me. All I know is that her voice woke me up. Did I somehow come back or was I dreaming?! All I know is that
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