Yakuza 0’s Vergil DLC is finally available!
Honestly, this was a wild ride. Never would I have thought to port DMC movesets to Yakuza.
Credit as due:
SutandoTsukai181 - GMT_blender, GMT converter, and general animation knowledge that helped a ton!
Draxx182 - Landlord tool for modifying .
Biggelskog - Weapon help, for stuff like and bootpar stuff to help with Vergil’s weapons!
Adidaskote - Model help, helped with the Vergil model a ton! Especially the shirtless one. Also helped with porting weapons.
Metman98uk - Model help, also helped with the Vergil model, thanks!
Subcio - Model help, also for getting weapon models from DMC5.
Thanks to the Yakuza Modding Community for making this possible!!
0:00 - Intro
0:11 - Yamato
0:45 - Beowulf
1:51 - Mirage/Force Edge
2:33 - Rebellion (Dante)
3:17 - Cerberus (Pole)
3:45 - Special Legend Moves