How Our Thoughts Create Our Reality

The person you want to be must first exist in your mind before you can become them. Our mind is a magnet which attracts all that we dominantly think about. Your thoughts can either be your greatest ally or your biggest obstacle, what ever you think about, gets amplified. So, if you think that all women or men are cheaters and liars, then that’s exactly what you will get. The conscious mind is responsible for our deliberate and intentional decision-making and can differentiate between what is good or bad, but our subconscious mind which directs our life behind the scenes doesn’t differentiate between good and bad and gives us exactly what we are looking for, manifesting our thoughts into reality if we believe them to be true. Our subconscious mind is the key to unlocking our full potential and achieving our goals. It is responsible for our automatic behaviors, emotions, and reactions, and it holds our deepest beliefs and desires. While we may not always be aware of it, our subconscious mind is const
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