No Carbs = No Muscles #mikementzer #bodybuilding #fitness #gymmotivation

Remember muscle is not mostly protein is mostly water. Now look at the look at the word carbohydrate. The suffix hydrate means water. As you probably all know, the carbohydrate stores in the muscle becomes a chain of sugar molecules called glycogen, and every gram of glycogen stored in the muscle chemically bonds with and holds 3 grams of water. When you go lower than 60% carbohydrates on a high intensity program, you’re going to burn the glycogen out of the muscle, not restore it. And the water that was chemically bonded will leave them too, and the muscle becomes flat, Placid and dehydrated. And if you stay on it long enough, you’ll actually go into muscle catabolism. Your muscle will actually breakdown, go to the liver and through a very complicated process called gluconogenesis, will turn your own body’s protein into sugar. So sugar ain’t the bogeyman has been made out to be. It should predominate in a well balanced diet. #gym #gymmotivation #biceps #motivation #motiva
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