Not Sorry For Loving You | An EPIC: The Musical Animatic

Always wanted to get around to doing an animatic for a musical. And I thought what better way than ’Not Sorry For Loving You’ a song inspired by Calypso and Odysseus! I’ve always been a fan of Calypso’s tragedy, and hearing Jorge’s song was too good to pass up. Also wanted to have a glowing flower motive, cos of the Moonlace flower in Percy Jackson! Please note that as there isn’t a full song yet, I attempted to compile all the snippets as best as I could! But I’m still a novice at spectral deletion and audio editing in Audacity, so it’s not perfect (please bare with it lol) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway, the segments for the song are as followed: *EPIC: The Musical Seminar | Goodspeed Festival of New Musicals 2022 (0:00 to 0:13.5) *Song Sample! I’m not Sorry for Loving you Epic the Musical (0:13.5 to 1:01.5)
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