Sometimes they come back... for more (1998) ORIGINAL TRAILER [HD 1080p]

The original trailer in high definition of Sometimes they come back for more directed by Daniel Zelik Berk and starring Clayton Rohner, Faith Ford and Max Perlich. AKA: A kárhozottak visszatérnek Câteodata ei se întorc Eles Regressaram... Por Mais! Frozen Ice Station Erebus Infierno blanco Jääasema Erebus Le diable des glaces Manchmal kommen sie wieder 3 Polikos stathmos: Erevos Stazione Erebus Terror bajo cero The Antichrist To kako Às Vezes Eles Voltam... para Sempre! Πολικός σταθμός: Έρεβος Убийственны
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