And i Love Her

Tribute to the young Kurt Cobain, in a montage of some of the animated scenes of the documentary: Cobain - Montage of A Heck, with quite a lot of editing in it! A difficult childhood & the divorce of his parents led Cobain to a path of darkness: the light & the passion for his music was the only way out! Music can save us. With the voice of Kurt Cobain in his beautiful “And I Love Her“ Beatles cover. Enjoy the Montage! Frammenti --------------------- Tributo al giovane Kurt Cobain, attraverso un montaggio degli spezzoni animati del documentario “Cobain - Montage of a Heck“. La separazione dei genitori e un’adolescenza difficile spingono il giovane Kurt verso l’isolamento. Un lungo tunnel buio, illuminato solo dalla luce della sua musica. La musica, che qualche volta può anche salvarci la vita. Con in sottofondo la splendida “And i Love Her“, chitarra e voce di Kurt Cobain Spero vi pi
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