Discover: Pharaonic Compilation Kom Ombo #History

#Discover_Channel #History Exploring Kom Ombo Temple the soaring columns of the Great Temple of Kom Ombo rising dramatically above the Nile’s bank, are one of Egypt’s iconic views. This temple dedicated to the gods Sobek and Haroeris is a reminder of this area’s importance in Ancient Egypt due to its prime position along the Nile. Pylon: Kom Ombo’s Regal Entrance Kom Ombo’s Pylon originally had two gateways, but the left-hand half has completely disappeared, and only the lower parts of the central pillar and the right-wing survive. look to the right-hand front wall to see the gods Sobek, Hathor, and Khons; a hieroglyphic text of 52 lines. and a relief of the Roman Emperor Domitian wearing the crowns of Upper Egypt. #Ancient_Egyptian_History #Egypt #Culture #Kom_Omb #Aswan #Upper_Egypt
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