The X-Files - Scully’s Pregnancy

A video following Scully’s emotional road to motherhood. It’s a tough story to tell, but I hope that I do it justice. HAHA! I totally had you. Okay, first off, yes, I know this lacks taste and is an insult to the serious and emotional drama that is The X-Files. Secondly, I’d like to apologize to Chris, Frank, and the whole XF team. I’m sorry for attempting to destroy a decade of your life’s work. And finally, Chris, this is your fault. Seven years. And we still get nothing. Seriously dude. Don’t be a prude in XF3. Look it even rhymes. The X-Files is property of FOX. No copyright infringement intended. I’m just playing. Don’t delete this Fox intern. You know you like it. Fight the power.
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