MRQZ & Tito Azevedo - Breath (Original Mix)

Innovative and audacious, the EP “Ritual“ by MRQZ and Tito Azevedo dive into the universe of Brazilian underground music, bringing a unique and striking sound. This first joint effort is a true celebration of the talent and creativity of these remarkable producers. With its three tracks, “Menecma“, “Breathe“ and “Ritual“, the EP reveals a carefully constructed concept and an indomitable passion for rhythm and melody. Each track has been meticulously crafted to portray the artists’ unique sonic essence, offering a fascinating journey between Indie Dance, Techno, and unprecedented instrumental experimentation. In “Ritual“, the duo showed that talent and passion can overcome any obstacles. MRQZ and Tito Azevedo are dedicated to nurturing the dream of being relevant in their art, producing music that resonates in the soul of their listeners. Released by: HIATO MUSIC EP release date: 17 August 2023 With its debut in 2020, HIATO consolidates a friendship and manifests common interests from three artists - the duo Binaryh and the Melodic Queen BLANCAh . Social Networks for Hiato
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