Passenger 10 - Microban

🌟 Stream / Download: Our virtual globetrotter, PASSENGER 10, just returned from his well deserved vacation. He spent his days off in the extended world of virtuality, in the detached world of fantasy, algorithm. Wow, the world algorithm I had to google how to correctly spell. What sense does this English spelling make? It is a “rhythm“ after all, pronounced exactly the same, so why the different spelling than its originator? The world makes no sense whatsoever sometimes. But let’s not get lost in facts we are already aware of, let’s dive into the crazy world of our virtual globetrotter, who thinks he is a traveler and who thinks he is getting around to eventually become a wise man. Let’s be honest, he sits tight, with the virtual reality glasses on, staring right into the scripted reality of meaningless nonsense, and doesn’t get anywhere. But what does the real world hold? The quantum physics tells us we’re only particles floating in space and just here and there, in ran
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