Friendly monster - Frankenfriend so to say

Friendly monster - Frankenfriend so to say ✨A story told and written by one of my oldest students with the help of AI to work on punctuation ✨ 💚 **The Friendly monster** Once upon a time, in a spooky laboratory, there was a scientist named Dr. Frankenstein. He loved to experiment and create new things. One day, he decided to make a new friend, and he called him Frankenstein’s monster. Dr. Frankenstein worked day and night, and after some lightning and strange potions, his creation came to life. But there was a problem. The monster was big and scary-looking, and everyone in the village was afraid of him. One day, the friendly monster went for a walk in the village. People ran away, and kids screamed. The monster didn’t want to scare anyone. He felt lonely and sad. He wanted to make friends. One day, a brave little girl named Lily saw the monster. She smiled and said, “Hello! I’m Lily. What’s your name?“ The monster replied, “I’m Frankenstein’s monster.“ Lily wasn’t scared. She asked the monster to play with her and her friends. The monster was so happy. He played games, helped people, and soon everyone in the village realized that he was a friendly monster. From that day on, Frankenstein’s monster had many friends, and they all lived happily ever after. And they all learned that it’s not nice to judge someone by their looks. The end. 💚 What do you think of the story? 🎃 STAY SPOOKY! 🎃 #englishforkids #englishforchildren #speakingpractice #onlineenglish #onlineenglishforkids #halloween #halloweenforkids
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