Public transport orchestra (Live in Krasnodar, )

Digital fixation of audio processes (DFAP) presents “Concerto for public transport orchestra in four parts“ performed by the Krasnodar Tram and Trolleybus Department drivers collective. Algorithms create each composition of the concert online based on the data on the speed of vehicles on the routes at any given moment. Before the concert, DFAP creator Max Alyokhin will talk in detail and in very clear terms about the principles of sonification, machine improvisation, and other technical and musical nuances. The resulting minimalist and drone-noise tracks will be accompanied by free-improv duo Ded Hasan Battle Cry (from members Mrmraum and Tafna). - Проект Digital fixation of audio processes (DFAP) представляет «Концерт для оркестра общественного транспорта в четырёх частях» в исполнении коллектива водителей Краснодарского трамвайно-троллейбусного управления. Каждую композицию концерта алгоритмы создают о
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