As promised, a follow up to my “2009 | Believe Again“ video.
I still can’t believe a whiole year has passed already?? But what an amazing year, and things will only get better from here;)
For my dear friends, subs and followers... wishing you all a happy and safe 2010, and here’s to making new r/k memories:)
Thankyou to ahbeivids for allowing me to use her footage of Rob during the RM premiere in NY:)
SONG - “Fool For You’ by John Butler Trio
Two atoms they collide in all their random ways
The meeting of you and I not so random some might say
She walks up close to me and she looks me in the eyes,
She said,
“Boy, what’s it gonna be, now that it’s just you and I?“
I’m a fool, I’m a fool for you
I’m a fool, I’m a fool for you
So I stepped up to the plate to a place I thought I’d never be
So I’m thanking you today because of you I am now me
Cold days then dark and blue when r
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Robsten Bubble (Part 2) - LoveSong
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