How to cut a glass bottle

How to cut a glass bottle and make it into a decoration item? Well, the idea is very nice, but not so easily fulfilled, unfortunately. I must admit, I have broken a ton of bottles in the whole process until I gained the feeling of how to do it. A lot of bottles just crashed in the wrong way, not in the place where it needed, or simply crashed all the bottle around. There are basic tools and guidelines of how to do it properly seeking to manage the line of the glass split. Firstly, cut the glass with a glasscutter and then heat it carefully in the cutting place. It seems easy until you try it yourself. :) In the process and after the tenth bottle is broken in your hands you still do not get why it happens. Maybe the cut is too deep or not deep enough, maybe the heat is too high or heating of one point is too long, maybe the glass of the bottle is too thin? Quite a lot of options. After a lot of practice, the inner feeling comes how to do it properly. The main advice I can give is about heating. Do not heat on
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