Hawley’s AI Bill: Protecting Americans’ Data and Creativity

In this video, we will explain what happened at a hearing today where Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) co-chaired a hearing on how to protect Americans’ work products and images from being harvested by powerful A.I. companies without fair pay. We will also discuss his No Section 230 Immunity for AI Act, which aims to give consumers more rights and control over their data and creativity online. 00:00 - The hearing was held by the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law on September 13, 2023, and focused on how to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) in a way that balances innovation and consumer protection. 01:20 - The witnesses were William Dally, Chief Scientist and Senior Vice President of Research at NVIDIA Corporation; Brad Smith, Vice Chair and President at Microsoft Corporation; and Woodrow Hartzog, Professor of Law at Boston University School of Law. 02:22 - The witnesses testified about the benefits and challenges of AI, such as its potential to improve health care,
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