Is that the Moon? Nope, it’s a Ciliate: Microscope Journals #7

I spent the whole day recording again and cannot get enough of the DIC. 😂 This is a single-celled organism belonging to a diverse group called the ciliates, it’s most likely an Ophryoglena but not sure this time. . Ciliates are absolutely amazing; the majority of the ciliate species have hair-like cilia on their cell, which they use for swimming and sometimes bringing food into their mouth by creating tiny vortexes. . You can see the cilia and also can see the cell mouth too. And if you look carefully, you’ll see two big round structures popping like bubbles, they are called the contractile vacuoles, and they expel the water that is continuously filling up the cell because of the osmosis. . Even the most “simple“ organisms are complex enough to blow your mind. No lifeform is simple, well except the politicians. . Thank you for reading! Best, James Weiss . Also, please go check the update on my crowdfunding campaign and if you can, please donate so I can get the objective, which will let me record in 1000x mag
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