Body Languages: Peaches, Hair and Her Costumes I Berlinale Talents 2024

For over thirty years now, Berlin-based music iconoclast Peaches has relentlessly queerified the international indie-electronic scene, with performances that always encourage the full physical involvement of artist and fans alike. Live on stage, her feminist lyrics and timeless beats are as radical and energising as her daringly original outfits. Each a personal and political statement in perfect sync with her artistic stance, more than fifty costumes by no less than 15 fashion designers were displayed during The Teaches of Peaches’ 20th anniversary tour, which Berlinale audiences can enjoy as part of the documentary of the same name screening in this year’s Panorama. No stranger to the HAU Hebbel am Ufer stage, the musician sits down at this Berlinale Talents event with art and hair director Charlie Le Mindu, the visionary behind the creations she wore on tour, to share insights on her private outfit collections, chat about how these designs came to life and, most importantly, what they mean to her.
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