Hometown - Leicester (1950-1959)

Travelogue detailing the delights of Leicester. General view of prominent building with Greek-style columns outside - the New Walk Museum & Art Gallery. M/S of policeman standing on box and directing traffic in street. M/S of old timbered building gatehouse. M/S of fire engines outside fire station. General view of Leicester Town Hall on Town Hall Square with statue of a winged lion in foreground. Several shots of war memorial. Abbey Ruins and grave of Cardinal Wolsey (wonder if he is ancestor of sock people? See ). Shots of the clock tower in centre of Leicester, with close shots of statue of Simon de Montfort, one of the city’s greatest men. Shots of the De Montfort Hall - one of the finest concert halls in England. General view of ABC ’Savoy’ cinema in town centre, illuminated at night. Traffic, including double decker bus with ’Typhoo’ tea advert on side, goes by. People walking about. Another street shot shows a woman attempting to cross a busy road. Looks like a dreary, rainy evenin
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