India Takes Goa (1962)

Item title reads - India takes Goa. Indian troops take the Portuguese colony of Goa after easy battle. Various shots of Panjim Harbour in Goa. Various shots of an Indian fishing boat sunk by Portuguese troops. Shots of Goa from the sea. Various shots as Indian troops march through streets. High angle shot of Panjim. M/S in street showing people walking around quite unconcerned, some are Indian sailors M/S Indian flag flying from mast in the street. People from Goa march through the streets carrying the Indian flag. Various shots as Indian soldiers sort through captured arms and ammunitions, camera pans to the captured supplies. M/S captured machine gun on tripod. M/S Indian soldiers rummaging through the piles and sorting out rifles. Various shots of Portuguese Governor General’s residence which has now been converted for the use of the Indian Military Governor Major General Candeth, M/S Indian flag flying on top. M/S Indian soldiers changing the guard at the Governor’s Residence. Interior M/S
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