Princess Mary and Viscount Lascelles at the Doncaster Hackney Horse show (1923)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Princess Mary and Lord Lascelles attend the Doncaster Hackney Horse show in Doncaster, England, where they present the prizes to the winners Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Hackney Horse Show at Doncaster ENGLAND: South Yorkshire: Doncaster: EXT Video Roll Title: Hackney Horse Show at Doncaster:59ft Issue sheet title: HACKNEY HORSE SHOW AT DONCASTER - PRINCESS MARY AND LORD LASCELLES PRESENT, AND HRH PRESENTED PRIZES. DONCASTER: Princess Mary at Doncaster Hackney Show. HACKNEY: Princess Mary at Donscaster Hackney Show. Princess Mary, Viscountess Lascelles at Doncaster Hackney Show. DONCASTER, ENGLAND. MAIN TITLE (9ft) GV Car draws up to entrance of horse show (17ft) GV PAN Lord Lascelles and Princess Mary alight from car and pass into ground (29ft) GV Horses running along course (38ft) GV Horse
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