This is BEST video postcard and art movie for SKOPJE the capital city of MACEDONIA (see more)
Relaxation variant.
Simply ENJOY
Music (intro and outro)
Cultural Art Workers
Културно Уметнички Работници
00:00 to 01:10 INTRO
01:11 to 01:45 Brian Stout’s speech
01:46 to 04:35 Skopje,during the day
04:36 to 05:50 City park
05:51 to 07:20 Skopje from the mountain Vodno during the day
07:21 to 08:25 Skopje from the mountain Vodno during the night
08:26 to 11:10 Skopje,during the night (BEST PART)
11:11 to 11:23 Tribute to our fallen in 2001
11:24 to 11:55 OUTRO
11:56 to 13:10 BONUS
13:11 to 15:00 EXTRA BONUS (art movie)
15:01 to 18:33 Skopje 1500x3 frames
Transparent watermark in the lower left corner and LOGO in the lower right corner,are not advertising at are copyright protection,physical protection of video material
They are protection from downloading the video.
Транспарентниот ЖИГ во левиот долен агол и ЛОГОТО во десниот долен агол,не се воопшто реклама.Тие се само ФИЗИЧКА заштита од превземање на видео материјалот.
2 months ago 00:23:59 1
Decree “O VIOLET FLAME, FLOOD THE WORLD!“ #violetflame #saintgermain
2 months ago 00:00:13 1
Да что ты черт побери такое несешь ? (Банды Нью-Йорка)